Notes and Diagrams

Jurassic Adventure Super Solvers

Congratulations to those who have opened the canister! The Puri Family opened the canister and gets two extra points: one for identifying the issue with the chess board, and one because Krystal owns a large hammer and I am afraid of the damage she might inflict with it if I didn’t give her extra points. …

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Jurassic Adventure FAQs

What is this really? Seriously, just a Julie project. More information about how this all came about under the Notes and Diagrams section. You made everything? Anything that is printed I designed myself. I drew the line at harvesting my own tea and making candy bars. And the website? Well, if I was going to …

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What is this all really?

Only because the few people who have seen parts of this have all asked the same questions… no, this isn’t a real venture. I totally get that this looks like I have more in the works than I do. I tend to go all out when I do something. Also, I used this idea for …

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Puzzling Resources

Anagram solver: Crossword solver by word pattern: Crossword solver by clue: Finding words that contain certain strings:
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Making Jurassic Adventure

This is FULL of spoilers about the making of Jurassic Adventure- what parts I liked, what parts I wish I had redone, etc.
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Interconnecting puzzles

No spoilers here- just Julie talking about different ways of making puzzles interconnect
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